Wednesday, March 16, 2005

some harlot on the phone left a message, i think

I hate to call a woman I don’t know an inarticulate whore, but some inarticulate whore left a message on Jimbo’s girlfriend’s answering machine today about a prescription my girlfriend mailed in through her new health insurance company. It seems that the company for which Jimbo’s girlfriend works has changed insurance companies and so my girlfriend now has a new place to which to mail off her prescriptions to receive her medication in the mail. They called this afternoon and left a message saying that my girlfriend needed to call their billing department. It took quite a while to decipher what the telephone number was. That was because the woman who called was not understandable. Hence, my calling her an inarticulate whore, despite my dislike of calling her that.

After much deliberation and eventually dialing a wrong number, we were able to ascertain the phone number and my girlfriend called her back, only to find their office hours are from eight to five and it was after five. At this point, my girlfriend, a normally mild mannered women resorted to swearing oaths.

Why, I ask rhetorically, has life gotten so difficult? Why have the ways of our youth been thrown upon the trash heap of our modern times? What has happened to the simple life in which the honest person received value for their dollar and service from service companies? Why has the service industry failed to perform a service? Why has the term service station become a misnomer? Why has our quality of life deteriorated so much this century? This is George Bush’s America, and it isn’t pretty.

It’s a damned shame that the only purpose the President serves is for you to tell your kids to stay off dope and booze, because you can see what it did to his mind. Now he has become the pimp of a brothel of inarticulate whores who are servicing us, but not very well.

I’m sure there are a small minority of you asking right now, “Jimbo, how can you blame the President for the failings of a service economy gone so horribly wrong?”

To which I simply answer:


Because it was better before him, and I am hoping it will be better after. It’s sure hard to imagine how it could get worse. But, we have been unpleasantly surprised before, so I guess it could happen.

But, we prefer to think pleasant thoughts here in Jimbo’s world.

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