Wednesday, November 07, 2012

who you are dealing with

The follow is a multiple choice question.  Please see the photo below and take the quiz below it.



  1. Claude Rains in the movie The Invisible Man
  2. Al Qaeda’s current leader
  3. A figure from John Boehner’s recurring nightmare
  4. Jimbo
  5. None of the above

The answer, you might be surprised, is, d.,  Jimbo.  Few photographs of him exist and fewer still are published online.

 Actually Jimbo has recently had sinus surgery and in order to cut grass today, we had to make a gauze mask to protect our sinuses and we used the bandana to hold it in place.  It was cool today, so hence the hoodie.  It was also sunny, so the sunglasses were necessary.

Jimbo looks real gangsta in this outfit.

Just a hint:  now you know what I look like so you should be reminded just who you are dealing with.

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