Monday, November 22, 2004

stay a little bit longer

On Sunday, the Kansas City Star editorialized on the front page about Robert Redford threatening to move to Ireland if Bush were re-elected and then changing his mind and not moving. My sister suggested I blog about the story, but as the clown prince of blogging, I couldn't see how I could do a blog about this with a sufficient number of guffaws to meet my own editorial standards. Then, I saw a picture of President Bush this morning on Yahoo wearing a Chilean poncho and I knew I would not do, say or write anything funnier than that during the rest of my natural life, so I figured, what the hell. I'll do it.

The President looked like a real dork. I hope you saw the photo. I would have made a link, but I'm as capable of doing these link things as Bush is as being President. He looked much more humorous than my hair looked back in 1974.

I'm a little surprised that the Kansas City Star put this story on the front page rather than the Op/Ed page, or maybe in the features somewhere. After all, this is a respected publication that once paid Ernest Hemmingway and me to write for them. I figure no one else is going to mention Ernest Hemingway and me in the same sentence, so I had better do it.

The Star article mentioned the popular phrase of the 1960s and 1970s, "if you don't love it, leave it." I wonder if the person who wrote the article remembers that the phrase was popularized by an ex-con and articulated in support of a presidential administration that would be removed from office for criminal acts. We didn't leave then; I don't see us leaving, now. My message to Robert Redford is this:

Remember in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid your character left the country because the government was oppressing him? It didn't do one iota of good. Remember how the government was after your ass in Day of the Condor? You stood up to them. You fought the good fight. Remember how the government tried to suppress you as Bob Woodward in All The President's Men? Remember who came out on top? Remember what a bad-ass you were in Jeremiah Johnson? Could you imagine Bush and Cheney putting some whup ass on that dude? I didn't think so.

Let's face it, we have four more years of Bush and Cheney, and there's nothing we can do about it, except you can be sure that I will be reminding them whenever they do something wrong. I think I can take them on by myself. After all, they will enter the battle of wits unarmed. But I will feel a lot better if all the people who are threatening to leave the country, rather than live under another four years of a Bush administration, would stay here with me. Especially you, Bobby baby. I'll fight the good fight, but I'd be more confident if you had my back.

As a fiscal conservative, I will continue to expose the tax and spend policies of this administration until someone pays attention.

Of course, if I do that, no one will point at me and laugh. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to point at Bush and that silly-assed poncho to get our laughs today. I can be funny tomorrow.

There is another thing that is on my mind today. I would like to thank Trevor, my new buddy from the UK for telling me Friday about my blog being quoted across the pond. Thank you very much, Trevor.

This is Jimbo's world, and I'm Jimbo.

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