Wednesday, September 05, 2012

proof obama is an alien

I keep hearing people putting out wild stories about President Obama not being an American.  The nuts out there are putting out all sorts of stories that Obama is an illegal alien or not a citizen of the United States.
Because there is not a day that goes by that some nut comes up with some tall tale about Obama being a Muslim or being ready to give America to a foreign country, it makes one wonder why anyone would want to be President of a country so chocked full of nuts.

Then it dawned on me that, since I have credentials of being a nut that overshadows the nuttiness of most of the certifiable nuts that have gotten their fifteen minutes recently, then I should come up with something really nutty.

Fortunately, I have suddenly come into possession of some very interesting information about the President that can help certify my nuttiness over and above some of the crazy people we have heard from lately.  Here it is.

When I first came about the information the Barack Obama is not even a native of Earth, I admit I had to study it twice.  However, I am now convinced that the President is actually from the planet Vulcan.

Oh, Jimbo, there you go being a nut again, you are probably telling yourself.  Well here is my proof.  Vulcans are all highly rational people who use logic and intelligent thought to make decisions.  I defy you to find another politician who does that—beside, of course, the President.

Fascinating, you are probably saying to yourself at this moment.

Do you need more proof?  How about those ears?  Does the President have the prominent Vulcan ears, or am I just out in the deep end?  Sure, if his ears were pointed it would seal the deal, but if Obama could have won races for the state house in Illinois, the U.S. Senate from Illinois and the United States Presidency surely could have had the presence of mind to have those ear tips altered.

How about the sideburns that end in a point at about the edge of the earlobe that the Vulcans have, you might ask?  Shavers, is my one-word answer.

Yeah, I think I have proved my point—or at least as well or better than most of the other nuts who have crawled out from under their rocks recently.  And to the President I say two things.  One, I am good with it.  We need someone who uses logic running this show.  And the other thing I would tell the President—if he is even listening—is as follows.

Live long and prosper.

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