Monday, November 15, 2004

more money than brains

I dreamed I turned into a dog last night. It was pretty frightening, but as usual, the real world was able to surpass my nightmare this morning.

I read on Yahoo that in Louisiana, a casino was robbed and the money was thrown into a stream. One of the bags of money came open and beavers retrieved the money and used it in construction of their dam. They say that beavers are the best engineers in the animal kingdom, and I think I can confirm that is true. I worked for Engineering companies for twenty years during my professional career and I found that Engineers can figure out how to do anything, but they go through a lot of theory and trial and error before achieving a solution. It seems that Engineers are very innovative, but they have no common sense. It appears the Engineers of the animal kingdom have no common sense, either.

If you or I were to find a bag of money we would have the sense to use it for something useful, like bills, a new car or at least a big party. These senseless beavers used the money as construction materials. I ask you, is this not a waste of good resources?

These beavers could have hired a contractor to build a cement dam that would last much longer than one made of sticks and paper, or at least they could have bought a big screen TV for the beaver houses in their dams. Some might say that beavers are too practical to buy something as expensive as a big screen, but they could have invested the money in the market, as the S&P hit a three year high last week. There are lots of compelling stories in the stock market. I particularly like Sirius Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI). It is at a 52 week high as I write this. Unfortunately I sold my entire position on Friday figuring it would fall back this week, but I sold too early.

But back to these silly-assed beavers. The thought of misusing all this money really bothers me. I could have used some extra money myself. Letting these beavers have it is like casting pearls before swine. I blame the Bush administration. With their tax and spend policies, and running up deficits, I guess the beavers figured there would be an endless supply of money coming from the government, and since they don't smoke cigars, and therefore couldn't light cigars with money, they might as well paper their homes with it. Hang your head in shame, Mr. President. Hang your head in shame. The next thing you know, these beavers will be wiping their asses with money; the President will be lighting his cigars with it and the rest of us will be pounding the pavement trying to get some for ourselves.

This is Jimbo's world today and I'm Jimbo.

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