Wednesday, November 17, 2004

god is dead

This year has been really great because I have met a very special woman. I tell people she can give me something that no other woman ever has. Then I deliver the punchline: TiVo and DSL. The truth is that I would be with her no matter what, but the TiVo and DSL are nice.

Then, I read on Yahoo this morning that TiVo is going to start imbedding commercials into their system so you will see them when you fast forward through the ones with which the TV networks torture us. It appears that TiVo has learned some marketing lessons from dope dealers: get us hooked; then take it away. I wonder if they will offer a premium service that blocks the advertisements (at a premium price, of course). You figure someone will probably come up with software that you could use to block the advertisements, but they will probably charge for it, too.

The Yahoo article quotes FCC Chairman Michael Powell as having referred to TiVo as "God's machine." He was a little harsh in his treatment of Howard Stern, but he was right in his description of TiVo. Because we have so many responsibilities that rob us of our free time, removing the advertisements that take up 30% of network programs is devine. I'll bet the inventor of TiVo said to his assistant, "What hath God wrought."

Now, it is gone, or soon will be. If one needed evidence that God existed, TiVo was proof. Now the proof is gone. This is like opening your bible only to find pictures of naked skanks.

God is dead.

The bible predicted the end of days and with the changes in TiVo can the rest of the destruction of civilization be far behind.

I'm sorry if I seem melodramatic, but it's that lyin' Bush. Hang your head in shame, Mr. President. Hang your head in shame. This is happening on your watch.

Other than that, I guess everything is going OK.

This is Jimbo's world and I'm Jimbo.

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