Friday, March 15, 2013

goodbye pi day, hello friday and the ides of march

Today is Friday, which rhymes with Pi Day, which was yesterday, 3/14. 

It took me a little time to figure out that Pi thing because of the slash between the three and the fourteen, instead of a period.  I am glad that we had a Pi day, even though at first blush it seemed pretty stupid.  Since the old 3.14 is the key number to our existence and because it is so important we should give it some attention.  After all, if you were able to measure the distance through the earth to the other side of the world and multiply that distance times Pi, you would get the circumference of the earth, rounded to two decimal places.  If you want to know the area of a circle, such as a pie, multiply Pi times the radius, squared.  Pi R squared.  If your response is that pies are round, then my response is yes they are and therefore that is why Pi is so significant.

Today, of course, is the fifteenth and if you are familiar with the way the ancient Romans did their calendar, then you are aware that today is the ides of March, or basically the middle of the month.

Shakespeare gave the date a bad rap in his play Julius Caesar because that was the day the crone at the edge of the crowd in the play warned Caesar to be wary.

“Beware of the ides of March,” the hag was reported to have said.

Caesar blew her off and paid the price for his inattention.

So, here is wishing that your ides of March goes well and there are no crones or soothsayers warning you about impending disaster, nor any disasters that actually befall you.

However, if you have plans to meet anyone named Brutus today, you may want to call and cancel just to be safe.

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