I read on Yahoo! this morning that there is a national conference in California for bloggers whose subject matter is religious blogging.
Now, those longtime readers know that Jimbo is not one to shy away from an occasional quotation of scripture. I consider the Bible to be entertaining literature and a worthwhile read. Also, reading the Bible helps me better to understand the nut cases who swear by the holy word, yet somehow don’t seem to have any idea what their book is telling them.
The “God Bloggers” are meeting at a place called Biola University in La Mirada—a school that indicates it offers a “biblically-centered education.” I tried to pull up their website, but I couldn’t for some reason. Maybe it crashed due to the volume of interest, or maybe Satan put a worm in my computer to keep me away.
Anyway, one of the bloggers compared blogging to the 95 Theses of Martin Luther that launched the protestant reformation. Yeah, right. If I ever tell you this blog is comparable in importance to the writings of Shakespeare or Hemingway, please have the good sense to un-bookmark me.
However, one thing that struck me about the article is that these bloggers don’t appear to be your typical “yes-Mr.-Rove-we-will-crucify-some-non-believers” religious right followers in lockstep.
Maybe blogging is good for something, after all.
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