I read this morning that the administration is going out of its way to protect a mallard duck and its eggs from being disturbed by protesters at this week’s global economic summit. It appears the hen laid her eggs in a spot near the white house where protests are planned later in the week.
Thank God we live in a country where our leader is so concerned about the environment that he is willing to bear the criticism of those who would disagree with his economic policies to protect a single mallard hen and her potential offspring. I guess I should have said he was willing to bear their criticism from a little more distance, in that the protesters will have to be moved further back from the white house and the hen. It is possible, then, to say that the President is killing two birds with one stone—that is if he were actually killing any birds. Instead he is continuing to kill the economy and he won’t hear the protesters reminding him of that fact, or, at least he won’t be hearing them from close range.
I think the mallard—let’s call her Georgette—is an apropos a symbol of the Bush administration as the eagle is of America. Georgette has laid a number of eggs; she’s laid them at an inopportune time in an inopportune spot, and now that she’s done it, she has to sit on top of them and give us that dumb-ass smirk. It’s hard work. It’s the wrong place at the wrong time, but whatever you do, don’t say anything about it, or you won’t be viewed as a team player. She’ll sit on those eggs until they hatch, and until they do, nothing good will happen. And when they do hatch, then we’ll have a bunch of ducklings running around, obstructing traffic and dropping duck poop all over the place. And these ugly ducklings won’t be enjoying a metamorphosis into swans anytime soon.
But, they will give the administration a little extra insulation from the real world.
And, they will give us another thing to talk about here in Jimbo’s world.
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