Monday, March 14, 2005

mail, lies and going postal

I received a couple of letters today. The first one was my paycheck and I was happy to get it. The other letter was an oversized envelope that was marked in bold letters, “Explanation of Benefits.” I just figured it was something from my insurance company and I opened it. I only open mail that I want to get or that is important, and I discard everything else, unread. It is my right to open and read only the mail that needs to be read. I throw away a lot of mail, unopened.

I am now so pissed off that I have to get it off my mind.

What was inside was a subscription offer for Forbes magazine. A few moments of my precious time has been taken away from me by a company that is run by some low-life bottom-feeding dirt bag who was once a candidate for President in the Republican primaries.

Some piece of shit rat bastard Republican has violated me and I don’t like it one bit.

First of all, I can’t stand to look at Steve Forbes. If there is one person who looks more disgusting than George Bush when he has that psychotic sneer, it is Steve Forbes every time you see him. And, if I see Steve Forbes more than two or three times a year it is way too often. I remember once, late last year or early this year, I turned on Squawk Box and Steve Forbes was the guest host. I turned it off really fast and I have only watched Squawk Box a couple of times since.

Why is it that the Republicans are not content just to destroy the liberties we have struggled for more than two hundred years to protect and to throw away our budget surplus and offer shelter and comfort to Osama Bin Laden, but now one of them has to stoop to junk mail. Is nothing sacred anymore?

The ugliest part of the deception is that the return address of the letter made no mention from whom the letter came. Just another in a long line of Republican untruths.




I think we should make a solemn vow not to subscribe to Forbes Magazine.

Two years from now, I think we should all run to the polling place, sign up at the voters list, hurry to the voting booth and say:

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take these Republican's crap anymore."

And mean every word.

Because in Jimbo’s world we pull levers in voting booths, but we don’t pull punches.

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